Saturday, March 26, 2011

2011 David Brooks on The Social Animal

Recent neuroscience is challenging the classical view of humans as 'rational animals' which led to a dehumanizing bias in societies, and instead offering a view of humans as social animals deeply inter-penetrated within one another, a view which can have a humanizing influence urging to society to value previously under-cultivated traits such as Mindsight (adopting another's viewpoint), Equipoise (recognizing our own biases ), Metis (knack of gist-extraction), Sympathy (facility for better group communication), Blending (of once disparate concepts) and 'Limerence' ('losing oneself' in a creation or relationship). 

Friday, March 25, 2011

2011 Deb Roy on The Birth of a Word

Datasets of 24x7 home-videos can be mined using novel analytics and visualization methods like 'space-time worms' and 'interaction threads' (activity traces of individuals/groups of interest) and 'word-scapes' (showing  'peaks' high usage of a given word in a context-space) can yield chronological records of language acquisition by infants, and can be applied to annotate TV content to reveal 'co-viewing cliques'.

Friday, March 11, 2011

2011 Courtney Martin on Reinventing Feminism

The discourse of the feminist movement has undergone a generational shift and is no longer about 'patriarchy' but about 'intersectionality', and social action is defined no longer by 'protest marches' but by 'online organizing', notably feminist blogging which has been shown to drive real institutional shifts like pulling items of supermarket shelves and firing openly misogynistic clergypersons.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

2011 Wael Ghonim Inside the Egyptian Revolution

Because of the Internet, truth prevailed and anonymous administrators through unplanned events were able to demonstrate that 'the power of the people is much stronger than the people in power' and pull off Revolution 2.0 where 'no-one was hero because everyone was hero' .